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Sunday, October 25, 2009

♥ one less lonely girl

mmm, yeah. its been almost a whole year since ive been on this blog. due to dearest elaine& grace, ive decided to stop my n*gka writings and speak english. so today is october 25, 2009. yay! its my tenth month anniversary with booo. [=

yesterday was saturday, i slept at 4ayem because i had saturdayschool homework i needed to complete. gay yes ): soo, then i woke up at about 830 and got ready for saturday school. ugh, im so lazy to complete this blog. and im hungry =[. LOL neways, i went into english and we had a test on vocabulary lists 1 2 & 3. it was boring, i got very pissed but it was cauhs of my own reasons. no need for you nosy noses. afterwards, we had math & another test. =[ it was hard. i did not understand it at all LOL. but thats okay, its just saturday school. after math school ended at about 1230pm. i walked down two flights of stairs and had to wait until 1245 for my stupid sister juliana to get outta school and go home. mmm, but waiting i watched anjelah johnson (nail salon) LOL its so funny watch it! its on youtube. ohyeah, i watchd youtube in class! RB to be specific. backk to topic, once it was 1245 all my summer kkcs kids came down! aww i missed them so much. i saw JASON & ANDREW ! the wang bros [; lmao, they are adorable and super cute. oh, then i saw katelyn! my little sister <3.>

so, after my pedophilic time;; i got a ride home from rizzy's dad. then i went home, ate cauhs i was hungry. then i went upstairs andddddd talked to people online. yeah it was pretty boring. and i fell right asleep. it was liek 2pm i believe? LOL then i woke up at 1030! skipp`d dinner. thats why im so hungry right now, i culd go for some ice cream. aw no i wanna go to a buffet, shit i want some cheesecake factory right now. oooooh cold stone... ): neways, i waited until it was 12 so that it was 102509! & wished him happy anniversary [= yeah, then i chatted with some friends which got me into reblogging again. maybe i'll continue who knows.. yeah, OOH, ive been replying one less lonely girl by justin bieber. LOL i dont liek him but i think the MV is so adorable so cheesily cute. HAHA, then i keep getting party in the USA stuck in my head. its a catchy song, admit it ! &the jayz song was onnnn &the britney song was onnnnnnnn put ya hands up ! , they playing my song, the butterflys fly awayy, nodding my head liek yeaaaaah, moving my hips liek yeah! party in the usa ! LOL. alright, its killing you, im done. im out. PEACE! <3

wahtd i used to say? live&love, cc? uhm, i forget bare w| me. 


*im too lazy to put a cmnt link, deal w| it.

12:47 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

♥ love yu liek i always do.

lets cut to the chasee. today was a half day in school. spanish we did random shit. im paying grace wun dollah to do my hw [: mandarin we were playing that pictionary shit agen. ahaha, yeah. [: we're in da leadd, cauhs yuhknoesz. i be deh leaderrrr. mama of deh pack [; geometry we watchd this random public speaking video... iunnoe it was weird. haha. it told us to do something and we totally failed. [: haha, he showed uss. then since its a halfday i had study. which was boring. forging notes and that stuff. LOL [= then biology.. ): she signd me up for adv. earth / physical sciencee. rawr. i want chem! den i can take an extra elective for senior year [: mwahaha. i juhs needs 3 points. i can do ihtt. i can do ihtt. i hope... then lunch was boringg. i didn eat nething ): nothing really special happened in lunch agen. i wanted fries. i didn geht fries. suckerrrs. then i went to english and totally got screwed over cauhs i didn read the book. haha smart cc i knoe. thenn history we went over stuff. i got fucking tackled to the floor by jason. and i got a huge headache ): oh it wasnt jason's fault tho LOL [: hehe i took a tylenol. and andy was liek " juhs take iht down there " *under the desks* and grace was liek " do yu knoe waht shes taking... " andy was liek " yeah a pill " LOL grace thot he was thinking of something. buht thats between me and grace [= omg so funnie. haha. then afterschool was pho. hehe @pho hoa! i went with rizzy, shirley, khoa, kenny, crystal, judie, &rowlow. it was mad good. i had ah number 30! pho tai! yumm. it was mad good. iunnoe it was pretty awkward. no one really talked. we all juhs minded our own business.. iunnoe. we didn really all knoe each other. buht we tried to make it work. @the end the bill was liek 41. and we swear to god we counted 43$. buht wuhtever. i added 5bucks. and was liek fuck iht and left. then, me & rizzy & kenny & et & phil & shirley standing outside pho juhs talking liek idiots. then shirley was the first to leave. then et & phil left for bishop for kickball. so den me and kenny & rizzy were walking towards bishop haha. suckerr. then kenny left go to back to the dinerhousewheelthingg. den me & rizzy juhs walkd arnd waiting for my ride. then we walkd back to the front of pho hoa and rizzy sed gbye and left and went wit his gang to his thingg. and i waited liek 10 minuhtes for my mom 'nd dad. then i went home. ate more mango jello. went upstairs. and got my headache back and juhs slept for a really long time. until liek 730ish. then i showered. texted rizzy. then he came home. and then we were talking. then i watchd random videos. then i watchd eu & winter melon tale* new series!. haha ihts pretty interesting? iunnoe. i still liek eu more tho. mwahaha. buht yeah that was pretty much my day. i'm on the phone riiight now [: so ima end this riight here. haha, deucedeucee.

yurs a&f;

drop some (love).

7:32 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

♥ live your life; you got one life to live.

ayoo. today was nothing special. school was really boring i guess. however we got another assembly! hehe, course selections >-< ugh, i cant believe it tho. we were juhs freshmans. now we are advancing to sophomores. haha life flys by fast. i kinda wanna grow up buht i kinda dont. i wanna grow up cauhs yu knoe wen im 18 ima be outta this prison house. this prison life in the duumps. i'll finally live my life, cauhs i only got wun life to live. buht yeah, ima learn how to drive and everything and geht to go out more often and do more stuff i want. hopefully spend more time with rizzy. yaaa. buht i dont wanna grow up.. juhs thinking abt colleges makes me wanna go back to kindergarten...even preschool. hmm, buht then agen after college theres gehtting married & kids [= hehe kids. i love kids. haha. my first baby boy is ghunna be named jordan. such a cute name i knoe. babyjordan. hehe i cant wait. then my babygirl is ghunna be jasmine [: omg wuldn it be cool to have asian triplets or quadlets. yeah. mad cool [: i wanna have asian triplets. haha, i can imagine my husband in the future totally losing them. liek going to the park and coming back with a whole new set of triplets. that are liek african american... hahah yeah.... buht ohwell i hate thinking abt the future sometimes... so ima talk abt the present:

soo. we didn have spanish again! cauhs of the assembly. mhmm. course selections..yum. then mandarin was boring we playing pictionary. im the leader! however i didn do shit cauhs i was studying and forced other people to do iht. hahas. yeah then geometry had my chapter 7 test which i basically failed. haha no lie. i didn understand that rectangle question =[ until afterwards. rawr. gayy. buht yeah. the rest i think i did okay? ugh. who knoes. well. i'll knoe tmoro. [= maybe post it up ihf its good. if not haha yu'll knoe i received a bad score. lunch was as usual. i made my awesome friend chris geht me fries [: withketchuupp! hehe then rizzy came down [= that was nice. i missed him. [x ohyeah buht in geometry he txtd me wen my phone wasnt on silent. haha gg. the song business was mad loud. "if yu knoe exactly waht i wanna dooo. then ima give my business to yuuuu" yeahh.. we were taking a test ... so it was reallly quiet. and bam. my phone being on the loudest it can go.. kinda yeah. i think yu geht the point. that idiott texting me during school hours ! hehe, ohwell i always txt him too [: neways, yu liek that ADD sidetrack thing? yeah it happens alot.. buht uhm yeah [= hehe. soo continuing.. english was boring.. i juhs read TO2C yeah. history was interesting. buht i was liek mad dizzy or something. buht wuhtever we ran arnd the room to collect questions then find answers. idk. i thot it was kinda boring. i think taking notes on the overhead is much better. =P buht ohwell. hmm, then came study period where we went to science fair assembly. so boring. buht yeah. grace got ah award! honorable mention. hahahaha sucks for her, she has to go to regionals with her board and redo everything hahaha suckker the science fair is officially over for me. and sucker for her haha she ripped up her board. gg have fun grace putting it back tgether since i knoe yur ghunna read this [= neways then came biology. omg im fucking 3 points away from 85 then i can go to chemistry. rawr rawr rawr. i hope i can make it. i dont wanna retake the class or go down a level. none of that. rawr. buht omg i got a 82 on my test! compared to 44 on my chapter 5 test.... yeah im so happy with 80s now in biology. dude, even if i got a 70 i think i wuld consider myself happy. yeah, my asian status drops in biology, buht heyy its an exception [; im asian, im a math asian. i calculatee. yeah then afterschool. i went home. ate ramen. ate mango jello. played piano for a mad long time actuaallyy. then i wrote on my blog [= hehe. yeah thats my day tday! hope yu enjoyed my awesome long blog writing today. [=

yurs a&f;

2:02 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

♥ ten feet off the ground.

saturday. science fair. omg. horrible. judging started at liek 11. buht my first judge came at fucking 2. fucking 2. yu fucking serious. fucking 2. but its all good cauhs within an hour i got all 3 judges. LOL. hehe, we played monopoly. we being me grace phil chen and this new sophmore kid named ossama. haha, hes pretty chill. it was kinda fun, playing monopoly. i got screwed over by fucking grace stepping on her fucking 750$. i had to sell liek 2039842 properties to ossama. buht then karma came arnd and 1000$ right there. hehe, i got rich agen!. it was so funnie meeting ossama. he was liek wen i get the two blues yu guys are ghunna be fucked buht then he stepped on my piece with al's toybarn and he got fucked LOL gts. then he suggested that grace shulda been liek "chicken goood" "curry yumyum" to her indian judge. oohmang. my judges were alright. wen they askd difficult questions i was liek "sorry, my research has not reached to that extent, however that seems very knowledgable and i will take your suggestion into consideration" nolie; thats how it went. hehe my first judge was john, initials jac. then mike. then diane. ooh i explained my experiment also to this coool college girl tamie chan. she was pretty interested. LOL ossama was liek the only reason why she stopped there and her eyes wentt from oober chinky to big baby eyes was cauhs of the 'soy sauce' sign on my board. hahaha. that gave me a good laugh. hmm, wen it was liek 4 public viewing startedd. rizzy came to visit [: hehe. that was nice. then i wanted pho. buht no wun wuld eat with me ): so i culdn eat my pho. i really wanted pho. ohwell. maybe nxt time. hmm, so then i walkd with my board and everything to grace's house. it was mad nice outside. perfect weather. aw man, it was love. buht the fact that i really had to pee kinda destroyed the love. i walkd to grace's house and was in a hurry and grace being the dumbtard she is, culdn open her door cauhs the key was liek retarded. yeah, buht dont worry. ima big gurl. i made it [: LOL. then i took liek some sandwich her mom made in the morning cauhs i was really hungry. then i got in my mom's car. and we went to cvs. then i looked at cards andd i saw this sparkley wun and started laughing liek crazy and people were liek wtf. and it was cauhs of this memory from before [= LOL. [x goodtimes. then i got home. and basically went online. talked for a lil. then later on rizzy called and we talked. then we went to shower. then i totally ko`d before nething else culd be done.

sunday alright. soo. i woke up at 120. haha gg. i thot it was 1220 cauhs aparently my phone is gay and dusnt knoe ihts daylight savings shit. buht ohwell. ]= we lost an hour of sleep guys. do yu knoe how bad that is. i need my sleep. i love my sleep. buht neways. yeah i had piano lessons. the teacher didn really do nething. so i juhs played piano. mwahaha i finishd apologize! except i gotta make it flow more. i often pause here and there. buht i got the couple pages memorized. i kinda shifted the things. cauhs liek, its not the same as the music sheet i found. i made it more simple and easyy for myself [= yeah then i came upstairs. and i started talking to people and stuufff. yeah. then i decided to update my blog, geht off my lazy ass. [= yeah thats prettty muuch so far [= we'll gbyeeee.

yurs a&f;

drop some (love).

12:18 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009

♥ ( TGiF! )

TGiF is riight. this week has kinda been tiring? =P last week was kinda worse ohwell. hmm. well today i got to skip 2 periods due to an assembly. was it worth it? LOL maybe? i ghuess? i dont even knoe. but the motivational speaker kindaa freakd me out. he kept repeating himself and nvr culd finish his sentences. idk. it was a weird experience, buht im happy i can die saying i had that kind of experience; i ghuess. geometry; yo. i figured these two problems out. LOL mad proooo. yeah and its amazing for me cauhs i dont pay attention in geometry at all. and i havent done the homework 3 days straiight. [; mad pro. hahaha. lunchh. hmm. it was alright. i was hardcore studyyingg [; then english i showed off my hardcore studying on that quiz. then in history we took notes kinda? iunnoe really weird stuff. then study was boring. went to gym, got kickd out, stood at hallway to talk, left for auditorium. thenn, heard some weird substitute making liek bird sounds? shes called the bird lady... explain something? omg idk. it was freaky. godd. then we went to biology. and workd on our display boards. yupyup. yeahh. so taht was my school day.

afterschooooooool; waht i doo babybooo. hmm, i went home. ate. watchd liek fobseries haha. greatness of a hero - finishd! EU still isnt out ): sad, tears came outta my eyes. yeah not really. buht, it was really sad... i need my EU! god im such a fob. buht ihts fobbbyy friidayy ! <3 [; hehe.

science fair is tmoro ! wooo. S!KE; yu think im excited for that crap. fuckers. suckers. cockblowers. yu wish. soo ima wake up aht liek 7 geht ready. then pick grace up and go to grace's house. then walk to nqhs. set all my shit up. and yeah... ugh we leave aht liek 6. suckers. )x ohwell. well i'll add on to this later. mad bored. ghunna do something other than blogg. [=

yurs a&f;

drop some (love).

3:22 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

♥ its ah wednesday.

(: heyy, so today. i turned my cpt on. and i realized. i had a blog. so, i decided, to write on it. that is juhs so raaaaad. LOL kay, ima cut the crap i sound liek ah freak.

soo, schoooool bitches!. hmm, lets see. spanish was pretty boring... putting stuff together...doing last night's math hw [btw; thxx gracee !] *heyy, i juhs noticed that every fucking blog i mention grace. LOL ugh, everywun prolly hates my blog now ): LOL jk grace. [=* anyways, sorry for the ADD; mando was extremely boring...chyeah. geometry. LOL haha, i did my history hw! [: coool. uhmm, lunch. hmm, same old same old. english. nothing that special. except the fact. I WAS DRAGGd OUTTA CLASS BY SOMEONE. [= ohwell. i got my tylenol [: hmmm. history. haha learning abt england. funfun. mad excited! i mean there was a fucking french ruler ruling england. S!KE. deh fuck, who gives a sh!t. study. yurh, daht was kinda boring too... i did homework ): biology. was ehh. alright. wuhtever. other days were better.

ohyeah; today is crystal's birthday!. happy birthday crystal!. march 04 2k9. [=

alriight. oooohyaahh! okayokay. so today i was watching EU. omg so good soooo good. greatness of a hero is okay... it sucks compared to EU tho. haha i love EU [: ohh i started BBF, yeahh i only watchd liek the first episode... kinda interesting. iunnoe. im not that into it yett. player is kinda cute tho.. hehe [: and the leader. hes juhs okayy. blondie... o-o ew. who deh fuck has blond hair liek daht tho.. it juhs alksldj;f dusnt fit. oohooh not to offend yu guuys who du love him (:

sooooooooooo yeah. that's cc's entry todayy. much love. xoxo!gossipgurl. s!kee. its cc, gurl. [;

yurs a&f;

drop some (love).

2:52 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

♥ didn yu miss mee?

ohoh, its been awhile (: hehe, well yeah. i totally i had such thing as a blog. LOL gg, i know. ): i faiL. not really [= buht facebook & myspace was captivating to me these past couple days. and ive been too bored or lazy to write out my day. soo today, i'll make it up [= alright soo last wun was monday, 23rd i believe?

alright soo monday, 23rd feb. 2009...
i finished my scifair proj at 745am exactly =D hehe so proud I KNOW. then i went to shower and everything and went to school at liek 855. HAHA, gg. ohyeah it was really windy i stood there with my display board and the wind legit carried me to the door. nolie. it was really painful and embarressing. the board was ghunna fly outta my hands. and omg. idk waht i wuld do... neways. so i waited liek 20 minuhtes to get a pass and sign in and shit. ugh. then i went to my locker and looked into this history class in which rizzy / raymond was in [: hehe he saw me from outside LOL. and he 'askd for a drnk of water' and came outside. then i forgot how to go to my class... and then i was liek OHYEAH ! and i remembered. [= and he went to back to his class and the teacher was liek back so soon (she saw me ]: ) andand then i realized i took the longest way possible to go to mando. then i walkd to mando. and i had to liek say what i did during the vk... yeah... then geometry... mad boring. then lunch... mad stupid... then english... mad boring... then history... mad boring... then study... OHYEAH wait no, mad boring... or not interesting enuf for me to remember waht happened. then biology (insert broken heart here) ... dont even remind me...

alrightt so toosday 24th feb 2009...
BAM, i woke it. it was time for school. life sucks. its school. anymore? hmm wait lemme think of there was nething interesting. errr... my dad was home... i kinda slept for a while... i was liek sickk. feverish. YEAH thats it..

alright now wednesday 25th feb 2009...
i woke up. tried getting ready. stumbled to the door. and ... i couldnt take it. i told my dad i was way too sick for school. and slept until liek 11. then kept getting random txts LOL. [x buht yeah, i was basically juhs really sick that day.

alright noww thursday! 26th feb 2009...
i went to school. figured stuff out not really. buht yeah ugh boring. i was kinda in a bad mood. i juhs got fustrated but the simplest things. ugh, kinda juhs really annoyed? >-<

alright noww friday 27th 2009...
uhm, nothing special i think. school was really boring nothing really that special. i dont remember nething =P well i presented my scifair and i suckd and stuff. ugh ignore that, my feelings for that dont need to be postedd. hmm. but yeah i came home watchd my awesome fob series cauhs its me & grace wong's fobby friday! muchh lovee. then yeah, i slept pretty early. then bam. the day was gone.

alright soo saturday 28th 2009...last day of february.
kay it was the LAST day of february of 09! i gotta do something special liek throw a party! ohmang totally. SIKEEEEEE. yeah okay. liek that wuld ever happen pshtt. i went to work & school. nothing special thoo. talkd online and stuffers. yeah nothing special. no fob series to watch tho.. sniff. EU is mad good tho. EU is love. haha ji tong & EU. mad funnie convos. hahah. [insidejokee] but uhm yeah.

NOW FINALLY: today. sunday. 1st. march. 2009...first day of march!
alright, nothing special today... i played on the piano! i kinda got pages of treasure now ! hehehe. and somewat apologize i juhs gotta clean up my right hand. then boom. ima be so cool! [; hehehe. waht else.. ive basically been on the phone all day. haha, in fact im on the phone now [x yes. who else. LOL dummies. ohyeah. NO SCHOOl. its been snowing. and woot. wbztv.com -- school closings. haha noschool for quincyyyyy. mwahah suuuckers for schools. i kinda feel bad for liek california and florida sometimes. they dont have the right to say 'ive experienced a snow day' or even had a snow day. do they even know waht wun is? hmm. interstingg. i shall find out wun day. buht it sucks wen they have hurricanes ... buht dusnt that mean liek 1 month witout school? hahah. who knoes. well ima go back to my phone convos. [;

song of my day: disintegrate - yung steff .
yo mad good song. mad good. maad good

yurs a&f,
drop some (love).

7:33 PM

♥ H3LL0TH3R3 ;

      Helloooo, i'm Christina(: Nice to meet yu.

      name; Christina (:
      tag; Cc (:
      bday; jAN14 (:
      ♥; taken (:
      nationality; cho0k (:
      aim; ask (:
      grade; freshlady (:
      school; nqhs'12 (:

♥ M0R3(?);


♥ Credits

♥ [=